Monday, August 26, 2013

Promise You'll Remember That You're Mine

An AWESOME result of me fiddling and clearing out my inventory :D

I have really had this STRONG urge to get cuddlefish back up and going...though I didn't have much to begin with, I am going to rebuild everything and make it 100% better than it was before. I've got lots of tools and such to mess with so keep an eye out!

BUT as I try to get my inventory organized, I thought I'd share my finds

↬ Body Parts ↫

Shape - ♡
Skin & Ears - ~Alchemy~ Eladie Skin - Pure  (with add-ons) ((@ We <3 Roleplay Event!))
Hair - NEW!!! [e] - Victoria
Hands - Slink (with ~Alchemy~ appliers)

↬ Clothing ↫

Top - .::Vassnia::. Right After - Ladies Men Shirt
Boots - *DL* (Dirty Lynx?) Baggers Ladies - MESH heavy grunge boots - skulls
Necklace - PIXEL BOX - Necklace "Guardian Angel"
Shades - Made By A Friend ((Not For Sale Yet?))

Send a NC or IM me ASMARIA LYVETTE for any questions!

Hey Guys, I Just Wanted to Add...

I've been getting a lot of pretty angry people telling me I don't give enough information in the posts...this isn't intentional. I am HUGE at keeping my inventory clean of extra landmarks, scripts, textures and such, so basically I just have the item in a folder...I don't have landmarks...and if I did, I'm sure they're not even updated....

SO if there is ANYTHING you need further information on, My user is    Asmaria Lyvette    in world. I'm usually on every single day. Just toss me a NC or an IM and I'll answer ASAP!


I Want to Teach You a Lesson in the Worst Kind of Way

I know...I know....
Been pretty busy, but I'm not about to give you a billion excuses for my absence..

I decided to blog a non-gorean outfit again today. Though, I'm sure those creative minds out there can use a few of these pieces for gor ^^

ELIKATIRA IS NOW SELLING NEW HAIR!!!! This has been my go-to store ever since I joined SL. I just love how their hair fits on the head and I'm SOOOOOOOOOO excited that they finally released new hair!!! Go check em out!

↟ click to enlarge ↟

 Body Parts ↫

Shape - ♡
Skin - ~Alchemy~ Eladie Skin - Pure  (with add-ons) ((@ We <3 Roleplay Event!))
Hair - NEW!!! [e] Jana
Hands - Slink (with ~Alchemy~ appliers)

↬ Clothing ↫
Top - Tee*fy Lenka Bralet - Chocolate
Pants - :Paper.Doll: Basic Denim: White
Boots - KAO : Suede Fringe Boots
- Necklace - GizzA - Epaulette Set (Past Gatcha Event)
 Bracelet - *May's Soul* Apache set
- Headband - :::World's End Garden::: Le jardin de la fille hair wreath

I don't care what you say, these prim boots are my favorite!